What's new at 8th House...
Video of the launch of "Heidegger's Nietzsche: Being and Becoming" at Olivieri's Bookstore in Montreal - Watch for Part II - Coming Soon!
Librairie Olivieri & 8TH HOUSE PUBLISHING
cordially invite you to:
5219 Côte-des-Neiges
Wednesday, September 22
Part II of Frederick E. Bryson's "Crossing to Tadoussac" Promo Video is now available. Watch it here.
Look for these new releases coming soon:

Mission statement: To rejuvenate and promote Montreal poetics in the new century.
Declaration de resolution: Rajeunir et promouvoir la poésie de Montréal dans le nouveau siècle.
SHOW THIEVES: The Montreal Poetry Anthology 2010
"On September 23, 2008 the three most powerful men in the American economy sat before the Senate Banking Committee to defend their plan to save the US from another Great Depression... ...This is the unknown story of how the worst economic crisis in of the last century came to pass, and the people who saw it coming only to suffer the sinister attacks of unknown criminals against their property, identity and their families. This book is about how naked shorts are counterfeiting the stocks of corporations around the world, deflating stock prices and enriching the unethical worldwide."
The Midas Touch by Cameron Reed and James Cummins
Also coming soon:
Maple Vedas by K. Gandhar Chakravarty.
Detritus and Hypodrome by Jason Price Everett
Avarice by Richard King
Opening Night by Emery Moreira
... and more!
Listen to DJ Silence read from Jason Price Everett's Unfictions Unit I: Economies :
and Unit 63:Negative Impressions on Hispanic Women:
Paul Catanu, author of Heidegger's Nietzsche response to Robert Fulford: "What Nietzsche would have thought of Hollywood?" published in today's National Post. See the full article here.
Charles Anderson (Rolli) makes the front page of the Birch Hill News. Read the article in the Birch Hills News here.
K. Gandhar Chakravarty of "Kolkata Dreams" and upcoming "Maple Vedas" performs and reads at the Diversity Stretches the World Festival. See the pictures here:
More Articles …
- Rolli's Rollicking "Plum Stuff" Book Tour
- Gandhar will be reading and performing at the Diversity Festival
- Now on Sale
- Heidegger's Nietzsche - Book Launch Photos
- Morgan Hofstetter slums it for 8th House!
- Plum Stuff Book Tour!!!
- SHOW THIEVES - The Montreal Poetry Anthology
- Plum Stuff: Coming Soon!!!
- Kolkata Dreams Reviewed in Art Threat
- Heidegger's Nietzsche Book Launch